Tutut Chusniyah

Universitas Negeri Malang


Social representations describe a social reality that is constructed through our interactions with and communications about the social and physical world.  They form an environment of thought that determines our perceptions or conceptions of reality and directs our actions. Social representations are phenomena in the making. Representation is process of reconstruction and creation. It involves reconstruction of socially (culturally, historically) share knowledge and its creation. This study aim to give the empirical support of how HTI’s elite create, and disseminate their ideology in mass media discourse. HTI is the one of Islam fundamentalism group in Indonesia that has sought to adopt a religious colloration  by insisting that all legislation must conform to syari’ah (the entire corpus of muslim religious law) through building the khilafah (Islamdom).  According to this Islam fundamentalism group, difference from secularisme (the separation of din from dawla), muslim must work to achieve the divinely ordained political community, in this world (the dunya). Thus, there are three ds, din (religion), dawla (state), and dunya, cohered to provide a distincly to the requirements of Islam. Thereafter, this fundamental group  express and reproduce their beliefs in discourse and communication through the mass media. Clash between religious and secular value are increasingly apparent in that discourse. Bulletin Da’wah ‘Al Islam’ is published every Friday by Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia, No. 01-24/ XVI (June/2009). We use discourse analysis method to seek for social representation of clash between religious and secular civilization issues. Such as electoral, Islamic nation-state attitudes toward Gaza case, Hillary visit to Indonesia, Obama’s policy about Islamic nation-state, global economic crisis, expensive education cost, high poverty rate, expensive gasoline. The relation of tension between religious and secular civilization be discussed further in this study.

Keywords: Social representation, phenomena in making, discourse analysis, Islam fundamentalism

Presented: Revisited Asian Society, August 3-4, 2009, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.