Farah Farida Tantiani

Fakultas Pendidikan Psikologi, Universitas Negeri Malang

Email: tantiani@yahoo.com

Dipresentasikan di Konsorsium keilmuan psikologi “Sinergitas Keberagaman Bangsa: Perspektif Psikologi Islam”



Abstract:Since year 2009, Indonesian government launch a policy regarding special needs children educationat various levels of education, from preschool to university level. The policy stated that special needs children (SN) have the same right to be included in the regular school as their ‘normal’ peers. Since then, many school in Indonesia started to held inclusion educational program so that SN children can be part of the regular school program. This program also held by Islamic based school, such as Sekolah Islam Terpadu (SIT). The differences between SIT and regular school in Indonesia are: SIT added the national curriculum with specific matters based on islamic ritual practices, such as guidance to read, memorizing and understanding the Qur’an and sholat berjamaah in mosque. As SIT teachers with inclusion educational program, they need to upgrade their knowledge about SN children and skills on how to guide them, so the SN children can learn the specific subject matters as good as their other classmates. In order to upgrade the SIT teachers, as a psychologist who worked in SIT, encouraged to held a teacher training. The SIT teacher training included are: observational training, information about SN and direct practises on handling SN children in school activities. This articles wants to describe the benefit of SIT teacher’s training, because some of the early studies about inclusive educational program stated the importance of teacher attitude and skills in conducting inclusive educational programs.


Keywords: inclusion educational program, teachers training, sekolah islam terpadu, special need children