Tutut Chusniyah
Ika Andrini Farida
Universitas Negeri Malang
There is an expensive cost in Indonesia political phenomenon, so many political actors in legislation, and bureaucratic become money machine for their party and arrested because of corruption behavior. Until April, 2014, it’s about 74 legislator from secular party (PDI, Demokrat, Golkar) and Islamic party (PPP, PBB,PKS) are involved in corruption behavior. This study seek to understand party’s member shame management when their party’s leader is involved in corruption case. Shame is a social phenomenon, so painful, and known to have such a serious impact on the self so people not allow to impact them personally. When in-group members are confronted with immoral act committed by their leader or fellow group members, they often react with feeling of shame. In in-group immorality, in-group members express shame in a personal level and in a group level. Our focus study is how party’s member deal with their shame expression because of their corrupt leader. Thematic analysis was used to analyses the data from in-dept interview with ten members of Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) in Malang and Jakarta. Result indicate that in relation to PKS’s leader moral failures, PKS’s members defend against it by trying to distance themselves from it, and remove it from their personal self by expressing a denial strategy and blaming other as their shame avoidance strategy. In collectivistic cultures like Indonesia reported shame experiences that were central for their emotion, but not guilt. It’s because guilt is often less dependent on considerations of public exposure than shame. In relation to in-group failures a window of opportunity to move away from the unpleasant shame is created and discussed.
Keyword: shame, gult, immorality and collective cultures
Presented; the 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Paris, French, Juli, 8-13 2014